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CILIPS X SNPC Podcast Takeover: Reflections on entering the library and information sector as a new professional

Category: Blog, Branches and Groups, News

CILIPS Students and New Professionals Podcast. What’s happening in Scotland’s Library and Information Professional Community.

Welcome to the very first CILIP Scotland Podcast takeover, featuring the Students and New Professionals Community! Taking the reins in the podcast studio for the first time, Chaeli, Matthew and Filipa were keen to share with the audience their reflections on starting their professional career in the Library and Information sector post-graduation.

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Defacto host for the episode Chaeli Brown is currently an Information Scientist at ThinkAnalytics. Matthew Ferrie has entered into his first role as Information Assistant at the Craiglockhart Library at Edinburgh Napier University. Both Matthew and Chaeli are Events Coordinators for the SNPC, having ran events such as an interview tips event with Falkirk Libraries, and library tour with Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons and Glasgow Women’s Library alongside the CILIPS Local Studies group LocScot. Filipa Pedroso is currently spending her time post-graduation in School Libraries as a Graduate Library Assistant in London. She is the former Social Media Coordinator for SNPC.

All three are experiencing very different fields of library work, and in this conversation they bring out the parallels of their work (namely frustration with printers), and how they’ve translated the skills and knowledge gathered through their degrees to practical applications and people skills.

If you’d like to find out more about SNPC, you can find them on Instagram: @cilips_snpc  Twitter/X: @CILIPS_SNPC , or by emailing: Thank you to Chaeli, Matthew and Filipa for their contribution to the episode!

Thanks for tuning in! If you’d like to get in touch to be a guest, or to suggest a topic for the team to discuss, please email Or click here for the podcast submission form!

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