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CILIPS Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals in Scotland
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Scotland’s Library & Information Professional of the Year 2021 is…

Category: Blog, New Voices, Professional Development

The winner of the 2021 Library and Information Professional of the Year Award has been announced as Alison McAllister, Library and Information Service Manager (North Ayrshire Council).

Alison has championed engagement in every aspect of her library service’s work during the Covid-19 pandemic, managing a team who used 3D printers to make visors for NHS staff, worked at community hubs providing information to local residents about food parcels, and supported NHS employees at a mass vaccination centre. Alison led the pandemic digital access project with Connecting Scotland and has also ensured that her staff were supported through regular online meetings and by establishing a ‘Library Links’ newsletter.

The announcement was made at the CILIPS Autumn ReGathering on 26th October 2021. Thank you to Bolinda Digital for sponsoring this award.

Alison said ‘it is a great honour to be awarded Library and Information Professional of the Year. I would like to thank CILIPS and the judging panel as well as my fellow nominees and North Ayrshire colleagues who represent all library sectors for the sterling work they do. It has been a challenging time and library services throughout Scotland have been exemplary in supporting their communities and this award is for you all.’

For more on Scotland’s Library & Information Professional of the Year Award, including information about the talented professionals on the 2021 shortlist and longlist, please click here. Congratulations Alison from all at CILIPS!

Scotland's Library & Information Professional of the Year 2021 is Alison McAllister