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CILIPS Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals in Scotland
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Scotland’s Library and Information Professional of the Year – Nominees

Category: News

We are delighted to reveal the longlist of nominations for Scotland’s Library and Information Professional of the Year 2019, sponsored by Bolinda. The final shortlist will be revealed in early May with the winner announced at the CILIPS Conference.

The following people were nominated (please note nomination reasons are only summarised here, judging will be carried out based on longer statements):

Jacqueline Geekie, Literacy and Learning Librarian, Aberdeenshire Libraries

Jacqueline is nominated for undertaking a huge range of diverse work and being an enthusiastic and innovative individual with a commitment to the profession and high digital skills. Her work includes working with partners and communities to deliver a programme of learning and literacy for New Syrian Scots settled in Aberdeenshire, developing and delivering exciting STEM learning initiatives using digital technology such as Lego Robotics, Coding and 3D Printing. Jacqueline has also contributed to publications, has presented at conferences and is an active member of the Information Literacy Group of CILIP, attending and contributing to the LILAC Conference regularly.

Jennifer Findlay, Library Services Manager, Scottish Courts and Tribunals Services

Jennifer was nominated for her role in the transformation of library services within the Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service (SCTS), leading the development of the existing library service which supported users within only one part of the organisation in 2015, to an organisation-wide library service which now supports all staff and judiciary in all areas of SCTS. The combined SCTS Library Services was recently officially launched and is composed of two sister services – the Supreme Courts Library and the Sheriff Courts Library. These two services work seamlessly together to meet the complex resource, research and training needs presented by court staff and judiciary. Jennifer is also an active and talented CILIP Mentor, mentoring 3 fellowship candidates.

Gillian Hunt, Customer Services Librarian, Cumbernauld Library – CultureNL Ltd

Gillian has been nominated for being an inspiring and innovative colleague and being the professional in charge of the children’s and young people team. She has been involved in various new activities in the past year including organising the first ever Get it Loud in Libraries event at Bellshill Cultural Centre and launching a film club for pre-school children and parents called Cine Minis as well as organising annual children’s activities such as a Primary Reading Quiz, Bookbug activities and the Summer Reading Challenge. Gillian is also a representative on the Libraries Early Years Strategy Group too.

Fiona Laing, Official Publications Curator in Collections and Research, National Library of Scotland

Fiona is nominated for demonstrating enormous commitment to the collection and promotion of Official Publications in Scotland and the UK. This includes working tirelessly to get the The Scottish School Examination Papers Digitisation project off the ground to widespread acclaim, providing a full collection of examination papers from 1888 to the current day. Fiona has also overseen the devlopment of the new SWOP website and organising meeting and speakers, producing content and much more. Fiona has also been assisting with advice on the development of the Beta site. This is all in addition to extensive other work in her role at the NLS, outstanding research skills and other activities promoting official publications and libraries.

Ian Lebeter, Principal Librarian, Glasgow Libraries

Ian is nominated for having a transformative effect on the delivery of secondary school library services. He has increased performance with issues up 10% on previous year; supported the Librarians to develop new supplier specifications to increase quality and range of collections; supported the development of Librarian led stock promotions and displays linked to the Reading Calendar and created working groups to develop consistent, high-quality learning materials to support programme delivery across all 29 schools. Ian has developed a comprehensive CPD programme to develop knowledge and skills and has arranged visits. He has also successfully managed 3 SLIF projects whilst supporting a programme of continuous improvement.

Christine Love-Rodgers, College Lead for Library Academic Support, University of Edinburgh

Christine has been nominated for encouraging CILIP membership to the staff at University of Edinburgh Library. She has organised various information sessions for staff about professional registration and inspired staff to register, initiated an email list and a series of informal get-together meetings to support staff working on registration and encouraged staff to attend writing retreats to enable them to make time to work on their portfolios as well as a range of other activities not in place before. As well as this encouragement, she has put in place the infrastructure to enable staff to succeed. Christine’s work on professional development goes wider than CILIP activity -she has recently started a monthly journal club for staff.

Lesley Matthews, Rural & home delivery services officer, Forfar Library

Lesley is nominated for being the driving force in the arrival of 2 new mobile library vans which will take technology up into the glens and rural places in Angus and allow users to be more digitally inclusive. She has gone to Belfast to the builders of the vans to plan the layout to allow the best use of space to make a wider choice available to the rural customers.

Martina McChrystal, Director of Library Services, University of Glasgow Library

Martina is nominated for leading a School Library National Advisory Group to create the first National Strategy for School Libraries in Scotland. This was a major piece of work and involved consultation with many stakeholders. In particular, Martina was committed to hearing from school pupils themselves about the importance of these services to them and hundreds of Scottish pupils helped to shape the strategy. Martina was commended for her leadership in developing the strategy by John Swinney, Deputy First Minister.

Anne Ngabia, School librarian, Braes High School and Grangemouth High School

Anne is nominated for being a school librarian shared between 2 High Schools in Falkirk Council. She motivates the pupils and reinforces the importance and relevance of the school library among all staff.  Anne is a key member of the school’s Literacy Special Interest Group and is very well respected by school staff in both schools. Some of her innovative work includes reader development, information literacy, supporting pupil library helpers from S1 – S5, transition work and making the libraries a safe haven and a place where pupils can grow in confidence under Anne’s leadership.

Calum Smith, School Librarian, Larbert High School

Calum has been nominated for his unparalleled and unwavering commitment to the pupils, staff and wide-ranging learning responsibilities at Larbert High School. In his 6 industrious years at the school, he has been at the heart of a significant revitalisation in the library providing a number of opportunities for young people to develop their reading across the school cluster. This includes innovative book clubs, using social media and health and wellbeing activity.

Kevan Smith, Librarian, Glasgow Libraries

Kevan is nominated for his passion for making library services accessible for people with additional support needs. Kevan is proactive and has a deep understanding of the difference libraries can make to people’s lives and works hard to ensure services are high quality and inclusive. An effective advocate, Kevan has personally developed successful partnership working with RNIB and Alzheimer’s Scotland. Kevan also manages Resource Unit for the Visually Impaired (RUVI) and led on the installation of assistive technologies in libraries and trained staff in their use. Kevan also supported delivery of Dementia staff training and was key to the libraries being recognised as Dementia and Autism Friendly.

Dawn Vallance, Principal Librarian, Mitchell Library

Dawn is nominated for various innovative and creative work in Glasgow Libraries, often on top of her day job. This includes her role in helping Glasgow maximise the opportunities of The Living Knowledge Network, recognised nationally as an important step in promoting and developing access to library collections, and create greater public awareness around the unique materials that the Mitchell Library, and other central libraries hold. She has also played a key role in the development of the Harry Potter exhibition and the Writing Exhibition.

Sandra Westgate, Library and Information Officer, Broughty Ferry Community Library, Dundee

Sandra is nominated for being a dedicated and enthusiastic librarian and champion of library services who manages Dundee’s busiest community library. She has always aspired to involve the community in the development of library services and this led to her encouraging library customers to set up a Friends group with the remit to raise funds and support the library. This group now has over 250 members, a committee and runs an incredibly well attended programme of events throughout the year. Through her support, the group has enabled the entire children’s and young people’s sections to be refurbished at a time when funding is limited.

Christopher Wilson, E-Services Librarian, CultureNL

Chris is nominated for his extensive support of Macmillan in Lanarkshire. This work is developing the role of libraries and leisure centres in supporting the health and well-being of people affected by cancer across North and South Lanarkshire. Chris has undertaken additional practice development and provided advice and guidance to colleagues in effective uses of social media and created systems to improve internal engagement that resulted in increased productivity and quality of output. Chris has also worked tirelessly on partnership development seeking to increase the ways people can access information and is a prominent co-ordinating figure on the marketing and communications subgroup looking at strategic planning for future engagements.