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CILIPS Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals in Scotland
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Scotland’s Library and Information Professional of the Year is…

Category: Blog, News

The Scotland's Library & Information Professional of the Year 2022 logo, with white text in front of a gold library book background, reading SarahLouise McDonald.

CILIP Scotland are delighted to announce that Scotland’s Library & Information Professional of the Year 2022 is SarahLouise McDonald, Academic Support Librarian at the University of Edinburgh.

A photo of SarahLouise McDonald, Scotland's Library and Information Professional of the Year 2022.Our award judges admired SarahLouise’s outstanding commitment to the profession, highlighting in particular her work on Open Educational Resources, accessibility, EDI and libguides. Her enthusiasm for professional advocacy was also commended, with the judges noting her dedication to representing our sector at a very high level.

Many congratulations to SarahLouise from all at CILIP Scotland!

In addition to her trophy, presented at the 2022 CILIPS Annual Conference, SarahLouise received £500 of funding generously provided by our award sponsor Bolinda Digital that can be used for professional development opportunities in 2023. Please click here to watch the announcement of the award and SarahLouise’s acceptance speech – ‘inspiring’ and ‘generous’ in the words of award-winning writer and CILIPS22 Keynote Speaker Damian Barr!

SarahLouise was selected by our award judging panel from a shortlist of three outstanding professionals. Please click here to discover more about their exemplary achievements in post.

Award Sponsors

Bolinda Digital is an industry leading audiobook publisher, supplying libraries with audiobook content for over 30 years.  Bolinda’s innovative lending platform BorrowBox, is the number one solution in the UK and offers a complete end-to-end service to libraries, with the best and most exclusive range of eAudiobooks and eBooks, since digital lending began. BorrowBox allows users to browse, download and borrow eContent in one easy to use app. It is the library that never closes.