Published Jun 16th 2023.
Author: CILIPS
Publisher: CILIPS
Published Jun 13th 2023.
Author: CILIPS
Publisher: CILIPS
Published May 16th 2023. In an effort to make CILIPS23 our most sustainable conference yet, we ask that delegates download this digital version of our action-packed programme! Keep a copy on hand for all of the inspiring keynote speakers, our president's welcome, thoughtful parallel sessions, exhibitor information, and more!
Author: CILIPS
Publisher: CILIPS
Published Mar 9th 2023. 'These changes could leave Aberdeen as having the lowest number of library branches per population in Scotland.' Head of CILIPS Sean McNamara warns Aberdeen City Councillors of the devastating impact that their proposal to decommission six public library branches would have on literacy, health and wellbeing, digital inclusion and community access to vital services.
Category: Consultation Responses
Author: CILIPS
Published Mar 9th 2023. 'It is your legal duty as a Council to provide library services that meet the needs of your community... Additionally, the changes you propose making to school libraries will strongly reduce the service you offer and directly affect the quality of education available.' Sean McNamara warns West Dunbartonshire Council of the adverse effects of budget proposals on public and school library users.
Category: Consultation Responses
Author: CILIPS
Published Jan 31st 2023. 'We believe it would be deeply unfair on communities to justify closures on this basis, especially when the evidence of recent research reaffirms the vital importance of library spaces to the public.' Head of CILIPS Sean McNamara reminds Clackmannanshire Councillors that libraries have never been needed more as we emerge from the pandemic and must continue to be staffed by skilled professionals.
Category: Consultation Responses
Author: CILIPS
Published Jan 30th 2023. 'Where this has been attempted elsewhere in the UK it has significantly damaged the service or ultimately seen it close; it is the legal duty of a local authority to provide an adequate library service and one that has no staff is completely inadequate.' Head of CILIPS Sean McNamara warns Midlothian Councillors of the risks to citizens if proposed library cuts go ahead.
Category: Consultation Responses
Author: CILIPS
Published Sep 6th 2022. 'How much value a local authority attaches to its libraries can often be a good indication over how much it values its people...' Head of CILIPS Sean McNamara urges Council Leader Euan Jardine and Scottish Borders Council to improve post-pandemic library funding and opening hours.
Author: CILIPS