CILIPS Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals in Scotland
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    Leadership, community and the power of storytelling (Amina Shah, Information Professional, March 2023) [1.8MB]

    Published Mar 8th 2023. 'If we have an image of a leader being an assertive older man, then that is probably what you are going to get. We should aspire to see leaders who can also be humble, be unsure, ask questions, be empathetic. If we don’t, then we aren’t going to make it a space for diverse leaders...' National Librarian of Scotland and 2022 CILIPS President Amina Shah speaks to Information Professional for IWD23.

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    Letter to the Cabinet Secretary for Education [179.6KB]

    Published Feb 22nd 2023. 'The impact on young people would be long-term and substantial. Before it is too late, I ask you to do whatever is within your remit to encourage local authorities to rethink these proposals.' As budgetary threats to school librarianship across Scotland intensify, Head of CILIPS Sean McNamara asks the Cabinet Secretary for Education to establish a level of statutory service.

    Category: Consultation Responses

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    Evidence submitted to Clackmannanshire Council [155.9KB]

    Published Feb 13th 2023. Further to a letter sent on behalf of CILIPS to Clackmannanshire Council on 31st January, Head of CILIPS Sean McNamara shares evidence that refutes their budget proposal claim that library closures can be justified by a 'long term trend of declining use'. Post-COVID, the key metrics of people count and borrower numbers are rising, and supposed decreases in items borrowed fail to consider eBooks.

    Category: Consultation Responses

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    Letter to Clackmannanshire Council [139KB]

    Published Jan 31st 2023. 'We believe it would be deeply unfair on communities to justify closures on this basis, especially when the evidence of recent research reaffirms the vital importance of library spaces to the public.' Head of CILIPS Sean McNamara reminds Clackmannanshire Councillors that libraries have never been needed more as we emerge from the pandemic and must continue to be staffed by skilled professionals.

    Category: Consultation Responses

    Author: CILIPS

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    Letter to Midlothian Council [140.8KB]

    Published Jan 30th 2023. 'Where this has been attempted elsewhere in the UK it has significantly damaged the service or ultimately seen it close; it is the legal duty of a local authority to provide an adequate library service and one that has no staff is completely inadequate.' Head of CILIPS Sean McNamara warns Midlothian Councillors of the risks to citizens if proposed library cuts go ahead.

    Category: Consultation Responses

    Author: CILIPS

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    #NotOurJob – Patron-Perpetrated Sexual Harassment in Public Libraries [724.4KB]

    Published Nov 22nd 2022. As a part of her Library and Information Studies MA at UCL, Brooke Cambie investigated Patron-Perpetrated Sexual Harassment in UK Public Libraries over the past five years (2017-2022). This document summarizes the key findings and recommendations from Brooke's research for the latest event in the CILIPS WINspiration series #NotOurJob: eradicating sexual harassment in libraries.

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    Annual Delivery Plan 2023 [132.2KB]

    Published Nov 21st 2022.

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    #NotOurJob Twitter/LinkedIn [524.4KB]

    Published Nov 21st 2022. Show your support for the #NotOurJob ABCs with this Twitter/LinkedIn graphic.

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