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Creating a Wellbeing space within the Sir Alex Ferguson Library: Glasgow Caledonian University

Category: Blog, News

A view of Relax and Renew: the new Wellbeing space within the Sir Alex Ferguson Library at Glasgow Caledonian University

The Sir Alex Ferguson Library at Glasgow Caledonian University have launched their new Wellbeing space. Named by student consultation, Relax and Renew aims to enrich the wellbeing of GCU staff and students, by providing a relaxing, contemplative space where users can take a break from their academic studies/working day and connect with others from the GCU Community. Launched to coincide with Stress Awareness month and the University exam period, the space is already proving a popular addition.

Plates of cupcakes in front of a banner for Relax and Renew: the new Wellbeing space within the Sir Alex Ferguson Library at Glasgow Caledonian University

Challenges, collaboration, creativity and collection proved to be four principles guiding the Relax and Renew planning group.

Our challenge was creating a relaxing, cosy but distinct space within a larger open area. Various areas throughout the Library building were considered but one area on our ground level was identified as the preferred location. The existing layout, which included industrial pillars, existing café area and study space, presented some initial challenges but use of colour and branding, upcycled furniture and natural elements, for example bringing in plants and greenery, were essential components in creating a defined space.

Collaboration took place on several levels – the planning group was extended not just to include representatives across the Library team. We also reached out to colleagues in our Estates department, Student Wellbeing and Student Communications Team. This helped to ensure collaboration on both logistical matters, contribution from the student body in naming and designing the space and wider social media promotion across the University. The planning group also had to adapt to online collaboration during the pandemic, however sharing ideas and tapping into individual skills of group members helped us to work collectively and proved to enhance the creativity of the planning group.

A stamping event at Relax and Renew: the new Wellbeing space within the Sir Alex Ferguson Library at Glasgow Caledonian University

Relax and Renew is not just a physical space. We also wanted to create and develop a collection of wellbeing resources. A new subgroup was tasked with setting up and developing a range of non-fiction and fiction titles related to health and wellbeing. The Relax and Renew collection is available to browse in the space and also via our Library Discover search.

Future plans

Going forward we are planning for the future by setting up a Steering group. Their remit will include the development and impact of Relax and Renew in line with our University strategy. As the University for the Common Good, Glasgow Caledonian University staff and students strive to underpin relevant Sustainable Development Goals and we can identify with both No.3 Good health and wellbeing and no.11 Sustainable cities and communities.

Ultimately we want to ensure that Relax and Renew is firmly embedded within the Library’s offer to enhance the wellbeing of our GCU community.

by Julie Smith on behalf of Relax and Renew Planning group, Sir Alex Ferguson Library, Glasgow Caledonian University

Bookmarks for Relax and Renew: the new Wellbeing space within the Sir Alex Ferguson Library at Glasgow Caledonian University