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CILIPS Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals in Scotland
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Autumn Gathering 2019


CILIPS Autumn Gathering at Perth Theatre, 23rd October 2019 – Photo by Craig Stephen

The 2019 CILIP in Scotland Autumn Gathering took place on October 23rd at the Perth Theatre. This one day conference, led by President Yvonne Manning, provided delegates with the opportunity to hear from a range of speakers, with talks from across a variety of sectors including public, academic and specialist libraries. The event also saw the return of the school libraries strand.

The full programme can be viewed here.

Presentation slides from the speakers can be viewed on our Slideshare account (please note, the slides for the presentation ‘Instill Independent Learning – A Transitional Journey’ are available here).

The photographer was Craig Stephen. You can view all of the photos he took on the day here.

Brenda Collins, Sarah Docherty and James Rowdon from City of Glasgow College Library attended the event and have written this blog about their experience. Charlotte Dunn, who recieved a sponsored place from the Academic and Research Libraries Group Scotland, has also written this blog about her time at the Gathering.

Keynote Speakers

Catherine Stihler OBE, Chief Executive of Open Knowledge Foundation

Catherine Stihler has been chief executive of Open Knowledge Foundation since February 2019. Prior to this, she represented Scotland as a Member of the European Parliament from 1999. As Vice-Chair of the European Parliament’s Internal Market and Consumer Protection Committee, she worked on digital policy, prioritising the digital single market, digital skills, better accessibility of digital products for the disabled, as well as citizen online data protection and privacy. As leader and founder of the All-Party Library Group she promoted and advocated for the importance of libraries and how libraries can remain relevant in the new digital age.

Photo: Paul Musso

Joseph Coelho – Poet, playwright, performer and children’s author

Joseph’s debut poetry collection Werewolf Club Rules won the 2015 CLiPPA Poetry Award and his follow up Overheard in a Tower Block was longlisted for the CILIP Carnegie Medal and shortlisted for the CLiPPA. In 2019 he has set himself a #LibrariesMarathon challenge to join a library from every library authority in the UK in order to highlight the importance and relevance of libraries.

Dr Sarah Morton, Co-Director of Matter of Focus

Sarah is internationally recognised for her work developing innovative approaches to ensure that decision-makers have access to the best evidence for taking organisations, policies and practices forward. She has done this through creating channels for getting research into the real world (at the Centre for Research on Families and Relationships), broadening understanding of the interaction between research, policy and practice ( through work with UNICEF, What Work Scotland and other research), and working alongside organisations to use evidence for improving services for the families and communities they serve (with Healthcare Improvement Scotland, Starcatchers, The Scottish Book Trust, Shelter Scotland and others). Sarah has pioneered a participatory approach to using contribution analysis to understand and achieve outcomes, and this is the basis of her work in her company Matter of Focus. Sarah will be joining us to speak about ‘How do you know if you are making a difference? evidencing and telling your story.’


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