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CILIPS Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals in Scotland
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CILIPS Podcast Special: Scotland’s Library Advocacy Story

Category: Blog, Campaigning for Libraries, Case Studies, News

CILIPS, Scotland's Library Advocacy Story, part one and two, listen now on spotify, Youtube and Apple podcasts.

In 2024 alone, Scotland’s public libraries have been considered low hanging fruit for cuts and closures in too many local authority budgets. It has become essential that librarians and communities are empowered and given a solid foundation to advocate for their vital and vibrant library services.

In part one of Scotland’s Library Advocacy Story, the CILIP Scotland team outlined the funding landscape for Scotland’s public libraries, deepening understanding of how the current funding model is proving increasingly insufficient to deliver all that libraries and their communities deserve.

Taking the incredibly powerful Save Aberdeen Libraries Campaign as a case study for how community groups can be mobilised to research, advocate and champion libraries when faced with closures, we interviewed Hayden Lorimer and Laurie Anne Mackay from the campaign group. What resulted was an incredibly thorough overview of each step, including their reflections and recommendations for future campaigners. We also spoke to Mike Dailly, Principal Solicitor and Solicitor Advocate at Glasgow’s Govan Law Centre. Mike has a long history of social justice work and assisted campaigners in this case to levy legal battles against Aberdeen City Council. As a library lover himself, Mike was keen to add his voice to this project and outline the legal frameworks at play, and what communities can do to support community spaces.

There was so much to uncover and hear from our three contributors that we had to split this podcast into two parts! Scotland’s Library Advocacy Story Part Two is live now!

Listen to part one here:

Apple Podcasts Here

Part two of Scotland’s Library Advocacy Story continues on CILIP Scotland’s journey to mobilise and support librarians, information professionals and the communities they serve to best advocate for their vital library services.

We began by introducing the Save Aberdeen Library Campaigners behind the fight to save six libraries and a swimming pool from closure in 2023. Laurie Anne Mackay and Hayden Lorimer began by introducing themselves and how they became involved in the campaign in Aberdeen, so go back and listen to part one if you haven’t already!

In the previous episode, Mike Dailly shared his love of libraries and why he feels it’s important that legal protections come into play to support libraries to thrive as crucial community infrastructure. He began to tell us how he became involved with the Save Aberdeen Libraries Campaign, and clearly outlines the legal framework that can support communities and campaigners in their efforts.

With many thanks to Hayden, Laurie and Mike, as well as those involved in the Save Aberdeen Libraries Campaign and Govan Law Centre.

Listen to part two here:

Apple Podcasts Here

Join the CILIP Scotland team as we invite guests and discuss topics surrounding the Library and information sector. As our members lie at the heart of what we do, we want to delve into the topics that matter to you, and provide guidance and support- with a lot of fun too!

We want this platform to be listener-led, and to reflect the interests and topics of our membership, so if you have a episode idea or guest suggestion then please use the form below or contact to discuss with the team.

Find the Podcast suggestion form here.

Catch up on all of the CILIP Scotland Podcast episodes, available on Spotify, YouTube/Google Podcasts and Apple Podcasts.

Please note opinions stated by guest contributors may not reflect the view of CILIPS or CILIP.