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CILIPS Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals in Scotland
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#NotOurJob – eradicating sexual harassment in libraries

Category: Blog, News

#NotOurJob - eradicating sexual harassment in libraries. Acknowledge the problem exists; Believe staff when they disclose harassment; Challenge harassment when you see, hear or read it.

On Friday 25th November, the UN’s International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, library and information professionals across Scotland and beyond came together to emphasise that it is #NotOurJob to tolerate sexual harassment in libraries.

The event recording below includes recent research evidencing the scale of the problem, with even one incident being one too many, as well as the legal rights of staff and the responsibilities of employers. The presentation slides and chat file can also be accessed here.

Inspired by this session, we are inviting you to pledge your support for the #NotOurJob ABCs:

Acknowledge the problem can and does exist around the world

Believe staff when they disclose harassment

Challenge harassment when you see, hear or read it, whether inside the library or not.

See who has signed so far:

Jenn Hood, JH Digital Design

Kirsten MacQuarrie, CILIP Scotland

Sean McNamara, CILIP Scotland

Brooke Cambie

Hinna Vayani, CILIP

Joy McLean, West College Scotland

Sophie, University of Bath

Crishna Simmons, Surrey County Council

Fionna Black, University of Glasgow

Lily Swain, Anglia Ruskin University

Dana Neumannova, Glasgow Clyde College

Mrs M A F Roberts

Spread the Word

Please share this page along with the #NotOurJob posters and social media assets:

#NotOurJob library poster (landscape)

#NotOurJob library poster (portrait)

#NotOurJob Twitter/LinkedIn

#NotOurJob Instagram Post

#NotOurJob Instagram Story (with space to add the link to this page)

Resources and Support

Dedicated support is available for anyone in our profession or beyond who has experienced sexual harassment. Organisations include:

The Scottish Women’s Rights Centre (for all women, including trans women)

Rape Crisis Scotland (for everyone)

Victim Support Scotland (for everyone)

Safeline (for everyone)

The CILIP Legal Advice Line is also available with free confidential and practical legal advice for all CILIP members.