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CILIPS Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals in Scotland
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#MeetTheMemberMonday – Show off your work!

Category: Blog, Meet our Members, News

Meet the members Monday, with CILIPS logo and empty name badge

As you may have seen in a recent survey conducted by our placement student Shona, CILIP Scotland are endeavouring to improve our membership Communications. Ensuring that our members feed into our output, creating the most relevant, helpful and supportive content and information possible.

One of the largest pieces of feedback we received was about giving members a chance to show off their respective sectors and roles. In an effort to give the people what they want, we have decided to revamp our former series called ‘Meet Our Members.’

Introducing the new initiative #MeetTheMemberMonday! In which we invite members to share, in any format they wish, about any and all aspects of their role.

Instagram takeovers although very interesting require a lot from our small team in terms of password protecting our platforms. So our hope is that members will email or message us directly with their photographs and text, which we can then share on their behalf on the blog and across our social media platforms! For more information or to submit your work, please contact CILIPS’ Digital Assistant Leah at

Below is a suggested format but we welcome submissions about any part of your work or organisation. You can answer all or none of the questions, we’re giving free rein for you to share what is most important.

  • Provide anywhere from one to ten photographs which showcase or encapsulate your role or organisation.
  • Tell us a little bit about what your day to day looks like.
  • What do you like about your job?
  • What valuable lessons have you learned?
  • What advice would you give to someone looking to get into a similar role or organisation?
  • What else would you like to share?

In order to sustain this content, we need your help to share and submit! Please note that if you submit to our series, you are giving permission for this content to be used by CILIPS across our social channels unless you indicate otherwise. Content can be removed at any time.