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#LibrariesAreEssential Case Study – Lockdown Book Clubs with Elgin Academy Library

Category: #LibrariesAreEssential, Blog, Case Studies, Librarians During Lockdown

In this #LibrariesAreEssential series, we’ll be sharing case studies and contributions from key figures that demonstrate the vital value of Scotland’s libraries, now more than ever, as we look to a brighter future post-pandemic. For details of how to submit your own case study, please click here.

Lockdown Book Clubs with Elgin Academy Library

Case study kindly submitted by Shelagh Toonen, School Librarian at Elgin Academy

‘In response to the lockdowns, when pupils have been remote working, I moved our school’s book groups online. I created pages on our virtual library/website for them to share their reading, their activities and their events with all in the school community. Pupils and staff continued to meet for their weekly or monthly book clubs via Teams. Pupils from our Novelties Book Club have been active advocates for reading and, during this latest lockdown, created book quizzes for all class Teams, a film of book recommendations and a competition for pupils and parents. During last year’s lockdown, Novelties Book Club also created a film for transitioning P7 pupils. This film introduced the book club and highlighted the range of reading activities at school. The Novelties also conducted interviews with authors Danny Weston and Robin Scott-Elliot. The engagement with P7 pupils worked well. They enjoyed the interaction with the Novelties Book Club pupils and many of them joined the book club after moving into S1.

The Staff Book Group has 15 members and meets once a month on Teams, where they share current reads and get involved in library activities. These have included book recommendations for Empathy Day during the first lockdown, contributing to a staff film about why reading is the best for this current lockdown and talking to pupils about books they are reading. ‘I feel that it is important to be a reading role model, to tell young people what I am reading and to show that I enjoy sharing my reading with my pupils,’ says one Staff Book Group member.

The book club activities during lockdown keep pupils engaged and connected, both with staff and with their peers, although we are all looking forward to being back in school and to seeing each other in person! In school as the librarian, I normally have a lot of informal contact with pupils, but was concerned that there would not be a way to maintain this. I thought that I was going to lose contact with them during the first lockdown and I was quite worried about that. I am so pleased that pupils engaged with the book club online and have again returned to meet each week during this second lockdown. What is great is seeing how well the pupils in the book club all work together on Teams. They encourage each other and share lots of information, including pictures of their snowmen creations recently!’

Feedback from pupils expressing how much they enjoy their weekly book club meetings during lockdown:

‘The activities we do, like the author interviews and the films and quizzes online means that we all contribute and maybe in a way we wouldn’t normally do at school.’

‘It gives me a break from conventional school work.’

‘It is great to meet up and have a chat about what we have been doing and what we have been reading each week. It is always fun and lively!’

‘It helps to keep up our reading for English. It means that when we go back into the school building, we will be in the swing of things.’

‘Making the videos gave me a good reason to read something I wouldn’t usually pick up.’

Lockdown won’t stop the young library fans of Elgin Academy from sharing their love of reading!