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#LibrariesAreEssential Case Study – The Learning Resource Team at Forth Valley College

Category: #LibrariesAreEssential, Blog, Case Studies

In this #LibrariesAreEssential series, we’ll be sharing case studies and contributions from key figures that demonstrate the vital value of Scotland’s libraries, now more than ever, as we look to a brighter future post-pandemic. For details of how to submit your own case study, please click here.

Case study kindly submitted by David Gentles, LRC Assistant at Forth Valley College

Adapt, Overcome and Move Forward – The Learning Resource Team at Forth Valley College

‘Throughout the past year, the Learning Resource Team within Forth Valley College has continued to provide an effective service to students within the college and also linked with a local primary school to create further learning opportunities for students. To help support students the team moved online, providing one-to-one assistance and also creating eBook reading lists for each department within the organisation, to further support staff and students during this difficult time.

To maintain a level of normality, the LRC team also continued to offer a variety of craft workshops to aid positive mental health, linking in with the college’s Student Mental Health Agreement. Furthermore, the team continued to organise events and activities through MS Teams to enhance the learning opportunities of the students: this included running Zine and Comic workshops during Book Week Scotland.

In partnership with the Creative Industries department, we continued our work with a local primary school (Carronshore Primary), where the LRC staff and HDAD1 students made Christmas craft videos and prepared materials to allow each pupil at the school to complete an activity. The activities were tailored to the various age groups, and this was great practice for the students who are required to deliver a workshop as part of their course work.

As part of the LRC’s continued commitment, a skeleton staff have returned to the three campuses to offer resources through a click and collect system, while also providing a safe space in the LRCs for students with limited ICT equipment. Due to the limited number of students who can be on campus at the same time, there is a booking system which students must adhere to in order to access this service and also to ensure that the Health and Safety procedures are maintained. As assessment deadlines are nearing, the LRC team are currently offering a variety of academic workshops to assist students with different aspects related to graded coursework, whilst also helping them to organise and manage their study time. These workshops include: Referencing, Learning & Research Skills, Time Management and eBooks.

In the past year as a team we have overcome all the challenges of working remotely and transformed the service we provide onto the college’s digital platform. We have adapted and diversified our skills as a team to meet the ever changing needs of the students, moving onto digital platforms and working closely with teaching staff to provide academic workshops and relevant study materials. Where possible, we also maintained our normal services and continued to run events and wellbeing workshops, providing a scene of normality for some during these challenging and unprecedented times.’

Student Gavin McGilp said:

‘The LRC team have been very attentive, sincere and caring with helping me in my computing course and organising my appointments for getting access into the LRC for my studies during the present lockdown situation.’

Linda Gibson, Principle Teacher at Carronshore Primary added:

‘The children looked forward in anticipation to the Christmas Workshops. Pupils were keen to find out what amazing ideas you had come up with to recycle items and turn them into craft projects. The children were proud of what they created and shared their work on our online learning platform. Parent feedback was positive. It is fantastic to have such a link with the college as it encourages creativity and helps pupils recycle items in a fun, practical way.’

The Learning Resource Team at Forth Valley College not only continued to provide essential support for students during lockdown but even found time for Christmas crafts with a local primary school!