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Green Libraries Scotland Grant Fund: recipients announced

Category: #CILIPSGoGreen, Blog, News, Professional Development

Green Libraries Scotland Grant Fund - working together for people and planet. With white text on a forest green background and icons representing sustainable communities, buildings and technology.

On behalf of the CILIPS Trustee Board, we are delighted to announce that the inaugural Green Libraries Scotland Grant Fund will be supporting four innovative projects that all advance library-led environmental action.

Selected from an exceptional number of high-quality applications, our Green Libraries Scotland assessment panel have awarded 2023-24 funding to:

Seeds to Success, St Ninian’s High School

This project will support the school’s new Support for Learning space and adjacent garden with Kinder boxes decorated by pupils, for which the children will select books to support their emotional, sensory and environmental needs. Creating a safe and welcoming space for pupils to read outdoors and relax, Seeds to Success will encourage mindfulness and the wellbeing benefits that both reading and nature can bring for young people, staff and parents.

‘I can barely begin to say how much this funding will change the lives of some of our most vulnerable young people,’ says St Ninian’s Librarian and project lead Donna Baird. ‘In assisting in creating and developing a new and sustainable SfL library, the CILIPS Green Libraries Scotland Grant Fund will indeed plant the “Seeds to Success” for our students. From a portable library collection and seed diaries to self-selection and ownership, our Green Library will flourish under the careful management of the pupils themselves with minimal guidance from staff. I have been thinking about this project for a number of years and to finally be able to realise it will be quite an emotional journey. Thank you so much to the panel for seeing the value in our scheme.’

CAT Stevenston, North Ayrshire Libraries

This project will focus on providing spaces, expertise and opportunities to engage the community in Stevenston in discussions and activities about climate change and its impact, as well as promoting what action individuals, families and communities can make to encourage taking agency for change. This will include development of a Climate Classroom, featuring author visits and collaborations with local artists, a Seed Library, a Climate Cinema and a #NAonemorething social media campaign encouraging communities to commit to ‘one more thing’ to collectively combat climate change.

‘Stevenston has been selected as one of Scotland’s first Climate Action Towns, empowering the community to come together and engage in collective climate action through focussing on the unique challenges and opportunities facing the area,’ says Literacy and Play Co-ordinator and project lead Mhairi Cook. ‘Our project – CAT Stevenston – will ensure that the library plays a central part in this place-based climate action process, through working with partners to provide a wide range of resources and activities which will raise awareness and engagement within the local area.’

Green Pages: Library Workshops for a Greener World, Renfrewshire Libraries (OneRen)

This project will offer in-person workshops hosted at Renfrewshire’s public libraries to promote information and awareness covering environmental sustainability and awareness around the circular economy principles of reducing, reusing, repairing, and recycling. Themes will include basic bicycle maintenance; sewing and repurposing textiles; reducing food waste; and making seed bombs to enhance biodiversity.

‘Renfrewshire Libraries are thrilled to receive funding for a workshop programme, empowering community members with practical skills and knowledge which help combat climate change, protect the environment, and contribute to Renfrewshire reaching Net Zero by 2030,’ says Information Coordinator and project lead Pamela Logue. ‘This initiative highlights the vital role our libraries play in providing information, raising environmental awareness, and fostering active participation in addressing environmental issues.’

Environmentalist-in-Residence, West Dunbartonshire Libraries

This project is inspired by the Toronto Public Library and British Library EnvIR programmes, inviting an environmentalist to engage with library collections and respond with climate related programmes, campaigns and projects. The Environmentalist-in-Residence will work with local organisations to create a safe learning environment in Alexandria Library, where young people will be empowered to lead local climate action.

‘We are really grateful for this opportunity,’ says Eleanor White, Sustainability Coordinator and project lead. ‘As an increasingly important approach to understanding our place in the world – in a global climate emergency, in one of the most nature depleted countries in the world – we believe that ecological literacy should become integral to all library services, and this project will work to investigate, develop and embed sustainable practices. The EnvIR is fundamentally a creative climate justice project and overall we hope for this progressive and aspirational project to support our young people reach their full potential and become climate leaders.’

Visit #CILIPSGoGreen, our library-led sustainability resource collection, and book your free place to attend Scotland’s Green Libraries Gathering online on Friday 29th September.