CILIPS Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals in Scotland
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Libraries on the frontline: Tackling gambling harm (with Fast Forward)

Jul 26 2024
Libraries on the frontline: tackling gambling harm. Uncover the evidence that surrounds gambling harm in Scotland, its disproportionate impact on our most vulnerable patrons, and how to help. Black and blue text on a white backdrop. Friday 26th July, 10:00am-12:00pm. CILIPS blue logo and Fast Forward new logo.

Price: Free
Book tickets here

Did you know that for every person experiencing harmful gambling – estimated to be over 200,000 in Scotland alone – an average of six other people close to them are also affected? Or that the 5% of people at highest risk of gambling harm generate almost 60% of gambling industry profits?

In the opening webinar of what we hope will be an ongoing series in collaboration with Fast Forward, please join us to discover the evidence that surrounds gambling harm in Scotland and its disproportionate impact on many of our most vulnerable library users. We will explore the vital role that library professionals of all sectors can play in being aware of the risks, signposting supportive resources, and harnessing our uniquely trusted relationships with patrons to create space for tough yet necessary community conversations about the stark reality of gambling harm and the stigma that still surrounds it.

In the session, Fast Forward will discuss the draft of a bespoke poster about gambling harm and support options that they have designed for Scotland’s libraries, and we will welcome your feedback on what should go into the final draft to make it as user-friendly as possible in your frontline library spaces. There will also be time for you to ask any questions and to help shape the future of this collaborative project series: what could a library-led gambling harm response look like and what resources do your colleagues and user communities require (including sector-specific online sessions, in person pop-ups, a dedicated toolkit or something entirely different)?

Participants will:

– Gain knowledge of current issues surrounding gambling related to children, young people and families

– Gain an increased awareness and understanding of gambling harms and the direct links with gambling product designs

– Explore the links between gambling harms with childhood trauma and safeguarding

– Develop an understanding about gambling-like features within video games and how these can possibly lead to gambling harms

– Identify and discuss the relevance of gambling harms and links to gaming for CILIPS

– Be more prepared to lead conversations and facilitate activities or discussion around gambling and gaming with children, young people or families

– Be able to identify and recognise the signs of gambling harms, and know how and where to signpost for additional support

This online session is free and open to all CILIP members. Please register here to receive the joining link in advance.

Relevant PKSB (Professional Knowledge & Skills Base) sections include: Ethics and Values;07 Literacies and Learning; 10 Customer Focus, Service Design and Marketing; 11 Leadership, Advocacy, Influencing and Personal Effectiveness; 12 Strategy, Planning and Management; 13 Technology and Communication; Organisation and Environmental Context; and Wider Sector Context.

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