CILIPS Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals in Scotland
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Fear of the Known: Conspiracy Theory & Misinformation Webinar for Librarians

Oct 31 2024
Lime green text at the top of the image reads 'Fear of the known, Webinar, What is the role of librarians and information professionals in stopping conspiracy theories & misinformation?'. With pink toned image of bigfoot in one box and in the next box is an image of a UFO. A white CILIPS Logo on the right hand side with lime green text on the bottom right reading, "Thursday 31st of October, 10-11am, online open to all CILIP Members."

Price: Free
Book tickets here

Celebrating the end of Global Media and Information Literacy Week, which coincidentally falls on Halloween, we thought it would be useful to tackle the scariest thing facing libraries… Misinformation! Join us for our ‘Fear of the Known‘ webinar.

On Thursday 31st October from 10-11am, get ready for some myth busting action as we delve down the rabbit hole that is conspiracy theories. Whilst they can often be dismissed as ridiculous and unbelievable, the fact is that with the rise of the internet, distrust in organisations & authorities and the most tangible political shifts in recent years, misinformation is spreading, giving clout to insidious conspiracies which may become harder to dismiss. However, who better to tackle this misinformation than the 3rd most trusted profession according to the Ipsos Trust; Librarians!

Using the UNESCO Addressing Conspiracy Theories: What Teachers Need to Know Guide, CILIPS Digital Assistant Leah Higgins will give a presentation about the place of library and information professionals in combating conspiracy theories, fake news, mis & disinformation.

The session will conclude with the chance for audience participants to reflect and engage with the discussion, as well as a mini workshop where we tackle our own example of a completely fake library conspiracy theory using what we’ve learned (it may or may not be cardigan related).

Don’t delay in joining us on the spookiest day of the year as we work together to share how we can tackle the everyday challenges which arise from the spread of conspiracy theories. Please register using the Eventbrite link above, to receive the joining link in advance. If you have any access requirements please don’t hesitate to contact the team at, or include in your booking form.

Relevant PKSB (Professional Knowledge & Skills Base) sections include: Ethics and Values; 01 Collection Management and Development; 07 Literacies and Learning; 09 Research; 11 Leadership, Advocacy, Influencing and Personal Effectiveness; 12 Strategy, Planning and Management; 13 Technology and Communication; Organisation and Environmental Context; and Wider Sector Context.

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