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CILIPS Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals in Scotland
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CILIPS EDI Liaison Officer – Volunteer Role

Category: Blog, News, Professional Development

The CILIPS logo inside a blue rectangle with text reading 'EDI Liaison Officer - volunteer vacancy' and a background illustration of a diverse crowd of people.

CILIP Scotland’s recently strengthened Commitment to Equalities, Diversity & Inclusion includes the creation of an EDI Liaison Officer volunteer role. This role will involve acting as a bridge between the CILIPS membership and CILIPS staff/the CILIPS Trustee Board – allowing members to share suggestions or raise concerns anonymously whenever they wish. The Liaison Officer will also have the option of making their own recommendations for CILIPS’s future EDI work, inspired by examples of best practice that they encounter elsewhere in and beyond our sector.

Role Description

  • To be familiar with CILIPS’s EDI work so far, including our EDI Commitment and our evolving Accessibility & Neurodiversity, Anti-Racism, Feminism and LGBTQ+ resource collections.
  • To acknowledge receipt of, anonymize (as appropriate) and pass on to CILIPS staff any feedback from members that is sent to the dedicated CILIPS EDI email address.
  • To regularly monitor the CILIPS EDI Padlet page, a virtual space where members are invited to share their thoughts on our EDI work.
  • To prepare a paragraph/short report for two CILIPS Trustee Board meetings a year, outlining the EDI suggestions or issues that members have raised over the past six months.* This report would also be shared with the Council.
  • Optional – to include your own recommendations for CILIPS’s future EDI work in the reports mentioned above, inspired by examples of best practice that you encounter elsewhere in and beyond the sector.

*Please note that, while we would warmly welcome the EDI Liaison Officer’s opinions on this member feedback, taking action on it is CILIPS’s responsibility and there will never be an obligation for you to ‘solve’ any problems that are presented.

Person Specification

  • A CILIPS member with enthusiasm for and an interest in EDI, who cares about helping to enhance the diversity of the Library and Information Sector in Scotland.
  • A person with time to commit to regularly monitor (at least once a week) the CILIPS EDI email address/Padlet page and to produce a short report for the CILIPS Council twice a year – estimated time commitment approx 0.5-1 day each month (6-12 days per year).
  • A person with a polite and empathetic communication style, whom CILIPS can rely on to respond appropriately to member contacts.
  • A proactive person who wants to develop their skills in communication, research, teamwork and report writing, whilst playing a valuable role in the development of their professional community.

Training and development

CILIPS will offer training and information as required and will also arrange meetings as needed.

Time Commitment

The commitment mentioned above should not demand a significant amount of time, but as this is a new role we will keep this under review and work with the person closely to ensure we are not asking too much.


The CILIPS EDI Liaison Officer is a voluntary and therefore unpaid role, but the Officer will be fully reimbursed for expenses (e.g. the cost of travel to attend the CILIPS Council if it returns to in-person meetings). CILIPS will also support the Liaison Officer wherever possible in attending relevant EDI training opportunities.

How to Apply

To put yourself forward for this role please email by 30th June with a statement of 100-300 words about your interest in this area and what you could bring to the role.