CILIPS Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals in Scotland
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CILIPS24 Graphic Recordings

Category: Blog, News

Image Description: A colorful graphic recording of the CILIPS (Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals in Scotland) Annual Conference, Day 1. The image is divided into several sections with illustrations, text, and icons. Top Section: The title reads "Information For All" with details about the event, including speakers and topics. Left Section: "Welcome" by Sean McNamara, CILIP Scotland Director. "Defending the Freedom to Read: Fighting Cancel Culture in the US" by James LaRue. This section includes references to various incidents and issues, such as the banning of books in Texas and Florida, critical race theory, LGBTQ+ books, and the impact of parental and demographic panic on intellectual freedom. Center Section: "Library Approach" highlights thoughtful attention, measured responses, meaningful conversations, and respect in libraries. "It's a Curious Thing to be Handed a Book, an Infinite Void into Which One Can Look" by Sara Sheridan & Eleanor Thom. This section emphasizes the importance of archives, the intersection between libraries and data, and celebrating LGBTQ+ voices. Right Section: "Collections Gather Us: Thoughts on a Feminist Custodianship" by Dr. Althea Greenan. This part discusses feminist advocacy in collections, the importance of diverse voices, the role of archivists, and supporting effective relationships between researchers and collections. Additional topics include supporting vulnerable users in public libraries, celebrating LGBTQ+ voices, and various creative library initiatives. Bottom Section: Various initiatives and topics like "Beyond Digitisation," "See Differently," "Murder We Wrote," and "Bridging the Gap" with illustrations representing each theme. The image is vibrant with a mix of illustrations, including books, people, speech bubbles, and other related icons, conveying the dynamic discussions and presentations at the conference.

We were so thrilled this year to welcome Clare Mills, a graphic recorder whom we encountered previously at the Scottish AI Alliance Summit in 2023. Being equally inspired by the graphic recordings from the CILIP Green Libraries Conference, we were keen to have our own conference, the largest gathering of Library and Information Professionals in Scotland, permanently captured in this way.

Clare mesmerised delegates, who enjoyed watching and sharing her process with delegates, parked at the side of the City Suite, she listened and collected words, phrases, images and more to create these permanent resources, a page for each day of the conference. Whether you were able to join us in person and want to recap, or missed out this year, we hope you can have a look at these resources and take some inspiration!

If you would like to download the pages or take a closer look, please download the .jpg version via the resources page here.

Day One:

Image Description: A colorful graphic recording of the CILIPS (Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals in Scotland) Annual Conference, Day 1. The image is divided into several sections with illustrations, text, and icons. Top Section: The title reads "Information For All" with details about the event, including speakers and topics. Left Section: "Welcome" by Sean McNamara, CILIP Scotland Director. "Defending the Freedom to Read: Fighting Cancel Culture in the US" by James LaRue. This section includes references to various incidents and issues, such as the banning of books in Texas and Florida, critical race theory, LGBTQ+ books, and the impact of parental and demographic panic on intellectual freedom. Center Section: "Library Approach" highlights thoughtful attention, measured responses, meaningful conversations, and respect in libraries. "It's a Curious Thing to be Handed a Book, an Infinite Void into Which One Can Look" by Sara Sheridan & Eleanor Thom. This section emphasizes the importance of archives, the intersection between libraries and data, and celebrating LGBTQ+ voices. Right Section: "Collections Gather Us: Thoughts on a Feminist Custodianship" by Dr. Althea Greenan. This part discusses feminist advocacy in collections, the importance of diverse voices, the role of archivists, and supporting effective relationships between researchers and collections. Additional topics include supporting vulnerable users in public libraries, celebrating LGBTQ+ voices, and various creative library initiatives. Bottom Section: Various initiatives and topics like "Beyond Digitisation," "See Differently," "Murder We Wrote," and "Bridging the Gap" with illustrations representing each theme. The image is vibrant with a mix of illustrations, including books, people, speech bubbles, and other related icons, conveying the dynamic discussions and presentations at the conference.

Day Two:


A huge thank you again to all of our speakers, delegates and exhibitors across the two days, these pages capture the impact, ideas and change that happens when we all come together. Thank you also to Clare Mills, you can find her website by clicking here, and find her on social media @listenthinkdraw.

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