CILIPS Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals in Scotland
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#CILIPS24 Day One: Recordings go live!

Category: Blog, News

Information for all, day one recordings, annual conference, monday 3rd and tuesday 4th june, 2024. CILIPS White logo, #CILIPS24.

On Monday the 3rd of June, we welcomed delegates from across the UK to the largest gathering of Library and Information Professionals in the nation. Day one kicked off the conference, which was themed around the idea of ‘information for all,’ a premise championed by library and information professionals working in any capacity across the sector.

The recordings for #CILIPS24 day two will follow next Friday, the 19th of July- so stay tuned and subscribe to YouTube here to be the first to know!

Keynote 1 – Defending the Freedom to Read: Fighting Cancel Culture in the US, James LaRue, Director of the Garfield County Public Library District, Colorado

Beyond Digitisation: Strategies for accessible collections in the age of computation, Peter Findlay, JISC, and Ines Byrne, National Library of Scotland

Supporting Vulnerable Users in Public Libraries: Attitudes to Homeless Users Revisited Kavan Stafford, NHS Lanarkshire

Reflecting Creative Practice Through Archiving: The Story of The Alasdair Gray Archive, Sorcha Dallas, The Alasdair Gray Archive

Keynote 2 – ‘It’s a curious thing to be handed a book, an infinite void into which one can look’, Sara Sheridan and Eleanor Thom in conversation

Keynote 3 – Collections gather us: thoughts on a feminist custodianship, Dr Althea Greenan, The Women’s Art Library, Goldsmiths, University of London


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