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CILIPS Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals in Scotland
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CILIPS Online Learning

A microphone beside a laptop with the CILIPS logo showing.

Chris Scott PR & Media Photographer Dundee, Scotland.

CILIPS Online Learning is a series of free online training sessions for our members which began in 2020, designed to help you keep up with your professional development.

If you are unable to attend any sessions live, we share all available recordings on the CILIPS YouTube channel with slides/chat files also archived in the CILIPS Online Learning webspace.

All of the sessions are free for members but places are limited so please make sure to register for any sessions. Please click here to browse the full CILIPS events calendar, including all of our upcoming Online Learning sessions.

Staff members of Scotland based employer partners of CILIP can also attend all of our Online Learning events. Individuals should sign up with their own details but use the employer partner membership number in the membership number field.

Have a great idea for a future session that will inspire and educate our members? Please get in touch at


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