Tayside Branch
Our branch includes the areas of Angus, Dundee and Perth & Kinross. New committee members are very welcome.
Crimes of Passion Walking Tour
On the 12th of June 2024 we delved into Dundee’s sinister past with Dark Dundee.
CILIPS Annual Conference 2024
The successful candidates for sponsored places were Tony Morrice, Niamh Coutts, Anna Gordillo Ramos and Alex Effinger. Read their reflections on the time they spent at the CILIPS Annual Conference 2024.
CILIPS23 Conference Feedback
Our branch sponsored four places at the Dundee based CILIPS Annual Conference 2023. Fiona Elder, Jennifer Dye, Caitlin Macleod and Helen Burns attended the conference over the two days, read their CILIPS23 Conference Reports to find out how they got on.
Table Top Gaming Demonstration
We held a table top gaming demonstration, hosted by David Michie in the Wellgate Library on 4th May 2023. The evening included information on the work being done in Dundee Libraries with table top gaming, attendees had the opportunity to play and as it was Star Wars day, David hosted a game with a Star Wars theme.
Our thanks to David Michie for hosting and providing an engaging introduction to table top gaming.
Dundee Waterfront Walking Tour
We held a tour on Wed 7th Sept 2022, entitled Sails,Tales & Whales. It included historic tales of sailors and scallywags of Dundee’s once-bustling port and referenced memorial art works.
Louise and Stewart from Dark Dundee hosted it and gave a very informative and entertaining talk. Our members and colleagues then went for a meal in Taza where we enjoyed socialising.
Our thanks to the staff of Dark Dundee for organising this for us and to everyone who came along for the tour.
CILIPS22 Conference Feedback
Two days of fascinating keynote speeches and networking opportunities were provided at the first in-person CILIP Scotland conference for three years. Our branch sponsored two places at the Dundee based event for our colleagues Fiona Elder and Louise McDermott. Read their feedback here: Cilip22 Conference Reports
Fife High School Librarians Heritage Training 2021
In November 2021 we provided funding from the legacy TAFLIN funds for eight participants to attend a full day Heritage training session. Read the report on the training session here: Fife High School Librarians Heritage Training Report
Cilips Conference and Autumn ReGathering Feedback 2021
This summer we sponsored one place at the ‘Reinvigorate and Renew’ themed virtual conference. Read Jennifer Dye’s reflections about her day here: Conference Feedback Report 2021
We also sponsored a place at the Autumn ReGathering in October, read Charlotte Kelham’s reflections about the day here: ReGathering Feedback Report 2021
CPD Funding Opportunities: Legacy TAFLIN FUNDS
Tayside and Fife Library and Information Network (TAFLIN) folded a number of years ago, leaving us a legacy. CILIPS Tayside has been tasked with managing the remaining CPD funds the organisation left behind. CILIPS members who work in the former TAFLIN area (Angus, Dundee, Fife and Perth & Kinross local authority areas) are invited to submit funding bids for personal CPD opportunities they have identified.
If you wish to bid for up to a maximum of £500 support then please contact cilipstayside@gmail.com Bids of no more than 500 words should outline what you hope to achieve from the training as well as a break down of the costs involved. All library and information related events such as seminars, workshops and conferences will be considered.
We would also stipulate that successful candidates submit a small reflective report afterward for the CILIPS Tayside webpage. Reports from other members who have benefitted from CPD funded opportunities can be read below.
Committee members from CILIPS Tayside will consider any bids received and respond within 3 weeks of receipt of an application.
For clarification: the legacy TAFLIN funds are only available to those who work in the former TAFLIN area. If you live in Fife but work in Edinburgh we would encourage you to consider the CILIPS Professional Development Fund as an alternative funding source to support your CPD.
CILIPS Conference Feedback 2020
We sponsored two places at the first virtual national conference. Our selected branch members (Jennifer Stewart and Maria Ramirez) enjoyed the event and you can read the feedback they submitted by following this link: Conference Feedback Reports 2020
CILIPS Conference & Autumn Gathering Feedback 2019
Four people were sponsored places to attend the national conference – each received one free day at the event. The lucky Cilips Tayside candidates selected were Hazel Cook, Laura Cagnazzo, Linda Hazle and Charlotte Kelman. The opportunity was much appreciated and you can read their detailed feedback by following this link: Conference Feedback Reports 2019
We also sponsored two places at the Autumn Gathering – Arlene Henderson and Michael Charlton thanked us for the chance to attend and you can read their reflections about the day here: Autumn Gathering Reports 2019
Montrose Library Visit & Meet the President Event
A big THANK YOU to the Angus Libraries staff who provided us with a tour of the refurbished library in April 2019.
We were very interested to hear some history about this lovely Carnegie building, with its preserved period features contrasting with the motion sensor activated heating and lighting.
The seaside themed Children’s area was much admired as a great space for story-times and a highlight of the event was exploring the librarian’s live in flat. It was fascinating to think the building was once a home to the first librarian here and gave him brilliant views across the sand dunes from his parlour.
Yvonne Manning, CILIPS President for 2019, rounded off the tour with an informal talk about her time in the library world and being president. She incorporated a fun storytelling session and mentioned the themes of this June’s conference are to be laughter and courage.
Better Social Media for Libraries, Glasgow, March 2019 by Mark McKay
Thanks to Cilips Tayside I attended this course led by Ned Potter, an academic liaison librarian from the University of York. He did an excellent job of presenting the training in a highly engaging and accessible way.
Various platforms such as Twitter, Facebook and Instagram were spoken about in turn. We looked at their changing popularity and tips on their use; before exploring helpful tools online to enhance our marketing. I found this section the most interesting – harnessing your historic audience engagement data to reveal the best time to post and what sort of content gets most likes.
We looked at sourcing and optimising images and creating content that goes beyond simply being informative – using informal and humorous posts may help draw attention to services. It was emphasised different media can work better for different libraries and that any increase in customer engagement is a success.
Throughout the day attendees were enthusiastic to swap experiences and tips to improve Social Media use and everyone went away with some new ideas and a buzz from the training. I found the course very useful and appreciated the opportunity to attend. I thoroughly enjoyed learning more about this subject.
Thanks to Sean McNamara for organising the hosting of this awesome event.
Visit to St Andrews University Library Special Collections
We arranged a visit to see the treasures in the St Andrews University Library Special Collections Unit in September 2018. It was a very interesting event. Thank you to our hosts for looking out a selection of amazing books, providing a fascinating introduction to the work they do and for their friendliness.
Cilips Tayside Committee:
Chair – Linda Hazle cilipstayside@gmail.com
Secretary – Laura Stewart cilipstayside@gmail.com
Treasurer – Kayleigh McGarry
Web Editor – Kerry Briers
John Dare
Maria Ramirez
Tim Zijlstra
Committee Minutes/ Reports
Committee Meeting Minutes February 2025
Committee Meeting Minutes August 2024
Committee Meeting Minutes February 2024
CILIPS Annual Conference Feedback Reports 2023
Committee Meeting Minutes May 2023
Committee Meeting Minutes March 2023
Committee Meeting Minutes August 2022
Committee Meeting Minutes May 2022
Committee Meeting Minutes March 2022
Committee Meeting Minutes November 2021
Committee Meeting Minutes June 2021
Committee Meeting Minutes March 2020
Committee Meeting Minutes October 2019
E-mail Meeting Summary August 2019
Committee Meeting Minutes June 2019
E-mail Meeting Summary March 2019
Committee Meeting Minutes November 2018
Conference Feedback Reports 2018
E-mail Meeting Summary May 2018
Committee Meeting Minutes March 2018
E-mail Meeting Summary October 2017
Email: cilipstayside@gmail.com