Love Libraries – Lights, camera, action at the library

A little movie magic is being enjoyed by library users in the Borders, with a popular Film Club helping people have fun and form friendships.
The initiative, which launched in January 2024, helps to attract new members to the host venue, Hawick Library. The club is open to everyone and the films are free, although attendees have been supporting the project through donations.
The Film Club came about as part of a service recovery plan by Live Borders, the sport, leisure and culture charity which manages libraries in the area for Scottish Borders Council.
Ryan Barker, Film Club organiser and Live Borders Library and Information Assistant, said:
It’s made everything worthwhile for me when I see the difference this has made to some of our customers’ lives in terms of the company and companionship – they all provide for each other. Attending the Hawick Library Film Club brings them enjoyment and a purpose every second Friday afternoon and for me this ticks all our boxes.
Evaluation of the project has identified positive outcomes such as facilitating social interactions and offering a safe and warm environment. Footfall to the library has also increased.
Films are shown every second Friday. An Alfred Hitchcock season proved very popular, particularly a screening of Vertigo. Six Hitchcock movies were shown over a 12-week period. Other movies shown have included Braveheart, Life of Pi, Dunkirk, A Few Good Men, It’s a Wonderful Life, Home Alone and The Shawshank Redemption.
The club has the appropriate licence to show films and the programming ensures it does not clash with screenings at the local cinema. The average donation received is £2 per person per movie, which supports continuing provision while being affordable.
Running costs are modest, involving only the annual screening licence of £250 plus library staff time.
Feedback from Film Club members has been hugely positive. One said: “Love the Film Club on a Friday, gives me a purpose to go out.” Another member added: “I come once a fortnight… which I enjoy very much. The library staff always make us very welcome.” Another said: “I am thoroughly enjoying the films at the library on Fridays. They are well organised and introduced by Ryan.”
The Film Club was set up through funding from the Scottish Library and Information Council. This helped cover the purchase of specialist equipment and the upskilling of staff to use the technology.
A local community group produced blackout blinds for the project.
Hawick Library also shows films as part of the ‘Fancy a Chat’ group on Tuesday mornings. This social group of 12 older people meet every fortnight for a cuppa, biscuits, games and to take a trip down memory lane.
The free initiative began as a meeting opportunity for anyone living with or caring for someone with dementia but has since expanded and now all are welcome. It has proven invaluable for helping people overcome social isolation.
Several of the people who attend have joined the library and have started to borrow books. Most people attending live alone and for some the group is the only regular socialising connection they have. The library also provides a warm space for group members amid the cost-of-living crisis.
A local nursery group has also been able to enjoy a film at the library. Children from Drumlanrig Nursery in Hawick were treated to a screening of Frozen in December 2024. For some, it was their first experience of seeing a film on the big screen.
The manager of Drumlanrig said:
We are so lucky to have an asset like the library nearby as we go weekly. The staff are fantastic at providing different opportunities and experiences for our children.
The children love the weekly challenges and stories they get from the staff as well as the amazing add-on of the big screen. It’s a very special treat that the children all love. They keep asking when we can go back! This is a real cinema experience for those children who aren’t fortunate enough to have this opportunity. Thanks for all that you do, it’s noticed and appreciated.
Learn more about Hawick Library and all libraries in the Borders.