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Case Study on Carnegie Shadowing Scheme – Taylor High School

The following case study was provided by Cathy MacIntyre, Learning Resource Centre Manager, The Joseph Wilson Library Resource Centre, Taylor High School

Taylor Icons, our Carnegie Shadowing Group, began in 2015. It was quite a rushed affair so we asked the English Department to select students willing to pilot the scheme. Seven unsuspecting females came forward, we registered our Group and they had access to a dedicated web page where they could post reviews, write blogs, add photos, videos, etc. They had access to hard copies but we also had access to individual iPads, a pilot scheme set up by the school. They attempted to read the eight shortlisted books but this proved difficult due to the pressure of school work and the different types of genre, some books were easier to read than others. They persevered and managed to finish the list and even predicted the eventual winner. They produced a lively, colourful Shadowing Magazine which the Group enjoyed compiling. I asked for feedback, constructive criticism was encouraged. The main recommendations were: the next group should include mixed ability readers and the books should be divided up between the Group instead of trying to read them all. These recommendations were taken on board.

March 2016 and a new Group was set up, this time there were four boys and four girls. We had numerous meetings, we had copies of the shortlisted books but we also borrowed extra copies from the North Lanarkshire Public Libraries, a successful partnership. The Group used the iPads to access the Carnegie Web Site and to add information to their dedicated Group page. Many discussions took place, sometimes heated with passions often running high. Once again the Group gelled and worked well together, especially when I brought in biscuits. As usual time was our enemy, there was so much pressure on the students yet they always attended the meetings and contributed so much. Once again they finished the books and once again they predicted the winner! How good are the Taylor Icons! The colourful Shadowing Magazine was published with copies going to Group members and the Senior Management Team. Feedback was given, this time points made were all positive, in fact they wanted to remain in the Group for another year. Unfortunately this was not possible, I think that they were going to miss the biscuits.

We are now in the process of preparing for 2017 Shadowers, so hopefully our journey will continue and we can encourage reading for pleasure in more young people.



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