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Case Study – Auchinleck Academy

The following case study was provided by Janice McGill, Librarian, Auchinleck Academy, East Ayrshire

Since 2015 I’ve been working with S3 Social Subjects classes to deliver inserts on web searching, evaluating websites and tips for taking notes.  These build on two inserts used with S1 RME revisiting reading skills and finding and using non-fiction books and a basic web searching and note taking presentation run with English classes at the end of S1. The content is a mix of presentations, practice exercises and challenges using online educational resources.

Each S3 class is timetabled for three periods in the Library and then plan, research and produce a practice added value unit report on a topic of their choice to prepare them for the National 4 or 5 courses they will do in S4. I also support the research by providing print resources from the Library to supplement the online resources the pupils find (class teachers can book additional Library time for online or book-based research).

A presentation revisiting the main points of the S3 inserts is now available which can be used with S4 classes before they start their actual AVUs. I also offer more detailed presentations on note taking and referencing sources for Higher and Advanced Higher classes including Biology and History.

P. Fisher, Social Subjects: 

“Janice McGill has been invaluable in supporting the S3 Social Subjects Research project.  She has provided the pupils with skills to successfully complete the project but also great skills for future study.  I have seen a real impact on the quality of research skills pupils used throughout the project; they were not only able to search more accurately but were able to select good reliable websites and understand the dangers and benefits of using the internet as a source for research.  The success of the programme is evident in the finished articles.  Janice was able to teach pupils up to date and relevant research skills that we could not offer in the classroom.”

Ben Stewart, S3:

“I used the note taking skill that Miss McGill taught me to speed up the process of getting information and cutting it down so I could then rebuild it later on into paragraphs.”

Megan MacDonald, S3:

“It helped me to learn to search for my information quicker.  I can now use key word searches to help me find the right information.”