CILIPS Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals in Scotland
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Guide to Governance

CILIP in Scotland is governed by a Board of Trustees and these are elected by members in Scotland.

CILIP in Scotland are a registered charity no. SC038532

The Director of CILIPS is responsible for advising and assisting Council and the Trustee Board with the formulation and execution of CILIP policy as it relates to CILIP in Scotland. The Chief Executive of CILIP, acts as the liaison officer to CILIP in Scotland and can attend Board meetings as an observer.

For more information about CILIPS’ governance procedures, please see the Rules and Regulations on the right hand side of the page.

Trustee Board

Members of the Trustee Board are also charity trustees for CILIP in Scotland and have additional duties and responsibilities as laid out by the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR).

The Board has a remit to:

  • formulate and keep under review the general policy of CILIP in Scotland;
  • co-ordinate policy issues referred to it;
  • undertake responsibility for the financial management of CILIPS; and
  • deal with internal issues of CILIPS including constitutional issues;

The affairs of CILIPS are managed by the Trustee Board. The Board  comprises:

  • President (ex-officio);
  • Vice-President (ex-officio);
  • Honorary Treasurer; and
  • 9 Trustees directly elected by CILIPS members.

CILIPS Council

CILIPS Council meets two times each year to  help develop CILIPS’ policy, to advise on operational issues, provide a link between the membership and the Trustee Board and to provide a discussion forum for Branches and Groups.

The Council is constituted as follows:

  • Chair of Trustee Board (ex-officio);
  • Honorary Treasurer (ex-officio);
  • Chair of Council (A representative from the Trustee Board)
  • 1 representative of each active branch in Scotland;
  • 1 representative of each CILIP group with an active committee in Scotland.


The AGM is held in June during the CILIPS Annual Conference and:

  • receives and considers the CILIPS Annual Report;
  • provides an opportunity for members to raise issues and questions about CILIPS on the agenda by advance notification.

Task and Finish Groups

These are ad hoc single item project groups drawn from Council and wider membership. From time to time Council may delegate certain deliberations or projects, especially those requiring more detailed discussion, to a Task and Finish Group who report their conclusions to Council.

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