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CILIPS Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals in Scotland
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Central Branch

Central Branch is based in the Forth Valley covering the Clackmannanshire, Falkirk and Stirling Council areas.

In Central Branch our purpose is:

  • To raise awareness of issues relevant to the profession
  • To promote emerging practice
  • To provide opportunities for professional networking
  • To connect with the wider profession, CILIP and CILIPS
  • Encourage engagement and participation through an ethos of informality and a sense of fun

Members are the focus of our Branch and we offer opportunities to get together including social events and training, which are always informal, fun and we enthusiastically welcome new faces (but not in a scary way!)

We came up with the following acronym, which encompasses what we hope to achieve by being part of Central Branch:

Making connections






Still here

For any queries, including membership, please get in touch via our main email address: 

Office bearers

Chair: Gavin Johnstone

Digital Services Librarian , Bo’ness Library, Falkirk Council

T: 01506 778520

Secretary : Yvonne Manning

Principal Librarian, Learning Resource Service, Falkirk Council

T: 01324 501990

Treasurer: Ian Keane

Public Librarian, Clackmannanshire Council

T: 01259 452271

Web Editor: Gavin Johnstone

Digital Services Librarian , Bo’ness Library, Falkirk Council

T: 01506 778520


Central Branch