CILIPS Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals in Scotland
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School Libraries Group Scotland

The School Libraries Group (Scotland) is the Scottish Branch of the School Libraries Group (SLG), a special interest group of the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP).

Our aims are:

  • To support and promote the professional interests of School Librarians throughout Scotland.

  • To raise awareness of the role of professionally qualified librarians and of the potential of School Library Resource Centres.

What does SLG Scotland do?

  • Encourages discussion of matters relating to School Librarianship.

  • Offers help and support to members throughout Scotland.

  • Publishes a newsletter approximately twice a year to keep school librarians informed of issues and developments within the sector.

For more information, please see our blog posts on the main CILIPS blog. We would love to include the fantastic work being done by other school librarians across Scotland. To be included in the School Library Group blog posts, complete this form.

If you wish to contact SLG Scotland please email us at


A biography for Shona Page, member of the School Libraries Group Scotland committee.


School Libraries Group Scotland committee member Tanya Odie.

Committee Members

A biography for Anne De-Ath, committee member of SLG Scotland.











A biography for Emma Grey, committee member of School Libraries Group Scotland.



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