CILIPS Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals in Scotland
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Free poster for your library? Libraries as Agents of Sustainability Thinking in Scotland

Category: Blog, CILIPSGoGreen, News

The CILIPSGoGreen logo, showing CILIPS Scotland's library and information professionals in white with a green, purple, yellow and pink wildflower meadow background.

Fancy a free poster for your school or public library to enrich environmental literacy? Have time to provide some short feedback on how the poster has been received by your users? Read on to discover how your library service can support both climate action and sector advocacy thanks to Libraries as Agents of Sustainability Thinking in Scotland (LASTS)!

Supported by the CILIPS Research Fund, LASTS at the University of Strathclyde is exploring the role of libraries in promoting sustainable thinking initiatives amongst Scottish school and public library users. Building on the findings of the SLIC Innovation and Development Fund project Libraries for a Sustainable Future, LASTS is developing an action plan and a toolkit for developing environmental literacy and sustainability. LASTS aims to promote user awareness, especially environmental literacy and sustainable thinking, and to align everyday lives in Scotland with new knowledge in these areas: providing a structure that can be built on for the design and development of context-specific environmental literacy and awareness programmes in Scottish public and school libraries.

As part of the LASTS project, researchers Professor Gobinda Chowdhury and Ellie Jack have prepared two posters – one for schoolchildren and another for adults. We hope to place these posters in school and public libraries to create awareness of library-led climate action and provide some simple guidelines for people to protect the environment in the course of their everyday living.

To pilot this phase of the project, we are seeking up to five school or public libraries to display the posters in their user spaces. A high-quality A3 printed copy of the appropriate poster for your library community will be sent to you by CILIPS, free of charge, and in 2-3 weeks we will follow-up with a short survey, seeking to discover more about how your library users engaged with the poster’s content, whether any new environmental action was inspired as a result, and any feedback you have before we design the final drafts.

The posters will be distributed on a first-come, first-serve basis, so please email before 12pm on Friday 17th May to secure your library’s copy. Thank you for supporting the CILIPS Research Fund and library-led environmental action!

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