Local Studies Scotland (LocScot)
Local Studies Scotland (LocScot) is an organisation devoted to the care and dissemination of local and family history material in Scotland. Most of our members are librarians who work in the front line of local studies, but we also have academics, experts, and interested folk and organisations from the history and heritage sector.
We are the Scottish sub-group of the CILIP Local Studies Group.
More about us
- LocScot runs and helps to organise various events throughout the year
- LocScot represents local and family history interests in a wide variety of Scottish cultural and historical forums
- LocScot sets guidelines for local studies provision in libraries
- Join in discussion and keep up to date on the LocScot JISCmail list – lis-locscot@jiscmail.ac.uk
How to join LocScot
CILIP members – to add as a new group, or switch groups, log into your CILIP profile or contact CILIP membership. Tel: 020 7255 0602, email: membership@cilip.org.uk
For any other LocScot enquiries, please contact CILIPS via admin@cilips.org.uk
Chair and treasurer
David Oswald, Local Heritage Librarian, Aberdeen City Libraries, Aberdeen Central Library, Rosemount Viaduct, Aberdeen AB25 1GW
Clare Padgett, Lifelong Learning Library Development Leader, Edinburgh Central Library, George IV Bridge, Edinburgh EH1 1EG
Other committee members
Scott Broadfoot, Information Services Librarian, South Lanarkshire Leisure and Culture, East Kilbride Central Library, Olympia Shopping Centre, Churchill Avenue, East Kilbride, G74 1PG
Patrick Hart, Curator (Scottish Communities & Organisations) – Collections & Research, National Library of Scotland, George IV Bridge, Edinburgh EH1 1EW
William Henderson, Lead Officer – Local History and Archives, West Dunbartonshire Council, Heritage Centre, Dumbarton Library, Strathleven Place, Dumbarton, G82 1BD
Dr. Hanita Ritchie, Local History Officer, East Lothian Council Library Service, John Gray Centre, 15 Lodge Street, Haddington, EH41 3DX
Craig Statham, Local History Officer, Culture Perth and Kinross, AK Bell Library, 2-8 York Place, Perth, PH2 8EP
Clare Thompson, Special Collections Librarian, Glasgow Life Libraries, Mitchell Library, 201 North Street, Glasgow, G3 7DN